Ben Best
In the Land of Oden / There Stands a Mountain / A
Thousand Miles in the Air. / Once every Million Years
/ A Little Bird comes Winging / To Sharpen its Beak
on that Mountain. / And when that Mountain / Is just
a Valley / This to Eternity shall be... / One Single Day.
I heard this English translation of an Austrian folksong during
my second year of university, and it still strikes a deep emo-
tional resonance within me. I have craved to live for eons since
I was a small child, and evocations of the expanses of time
draw me with a hypnotic power. Long before I heard of cry-
onics I had a rich fantasy life and I would imagine myself hap-
pily surviving alone after the rest of Mankind had passed from
the scene and the planet Earth had been turned to volcanoes
and fire. But, although I place no limits upon how long I want
to live, I believe that there are good reasons for believing that
immortalism is an unrealistic goal and even a self-defeating
goal. Forever is not just a long time; it is eternity and there-
fore beyond realistic conception.
There are mathematical models that can be used to calculate
valuations in infinite time: I would rather be given $1 today
than $1 in one years time. Similarly, the value of being alive